Thursday, 1 March 2007

On a Thursday afternoon!

I didn't really have much to say yesterday! I had to leave early and asked my Manager if I could work through my lunch hour which he agreed to. My senior colleague insisted that I come to lunch with them so I went for a short while and actually had a good time.

Today has been busy and I think after my little talk to my Manager, my senior colleague has realised that he is not pulling his weight in the office and is trying to make amends, which is good news for me! Because now I can start concentrating on my work rather than making sure he has done his work.

My other half told me off last night about my attitude and told me that if my work was affecting me so much, then I need to decide whether I want the relationship or the job. I don't think that he understands that I am just not emotionally where I need to be at the moment and it will take sometime before I get there. I'm not like him who is good at confronting problems and just letting them pass over his head as and when he needs to.

I had a couple of head hunters call me today, but nothing concrete. They all start with the same line and finish with no job.

A colleague of mine that seemed to sympathise with me regarding the whole informal meeting that I had with HR has just gone to lunch with the complaint girl! I was waiting for it though, because I told her that she will need to pay for the part she broke while trying to jump start her car! I hope they enjoy their lunch anyway!

I have started helping at my local church mainly because I need to find my spiritual side, but also just to get involved with the church community which I was heavily involved in as a teenager. I think that the calm religious nature of our parish will help me to get some relaxation away from my normal life.

It's only early afternoon, I have loads of work to do, so I will continue and the time will go faster, hopefully!

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