Wednesday, 14 February 2007

I'm Late for Work, My Bad!

Well there has been an accident in the area and there is no way that I am going to get into work on time.

It amazes me how the Police in the UK deal with accidents? To cause maximum disruption to everyone! I suppose they have guidelines to follow, and in all fairness, I doubt there is a better Police force in the world!

Anyway, I called my boss to tell him that I am running late and will work my time in during my lunch hour. He had no problem with that and he told me not to forget to put it in the timebook.

Well, yes we have a time book and everyone is supposed to make an entry when they leave the office. For example, if you are going out to meet a client, you put it down in this book. Well, I've been here for 1 year and 8 months and all the times I've taken time to go to the doctor, late because of whatever reason, I've never been told about entering this information into this book. In fact, just yesterday, a colleague of mine came in late and was not told to enter this into the time book, and they did not volunteer to do it. Interesting? I wonder if this is in the employee handbook?

For the record, I got in 20 minutes late, and I worked about 35 minutes more that I should have last night!

So I'll send the boss an email and ask him which book I should put this down in because I have noticed that no one is using the book he has asked me to use!

I need to start my story from scratch so you all know why I have decided to use a blog to make a record of all that goes on surrounding me.

HR don't seem to be to concerned about my concerns. They are just following procedure, which is their job. I think that all HR people should attend conflict management classes so they can recognise what is a conflict and how it affects productivity.

My work problems have made me more aware of my surroundings and also how bullying changes faces making it virtually impossible to try and stop it in the workplace, without letting everyone wear a big brother style microphone so everything is recorded!

It has been very difficult to even have the energy to do what I am doing now. Bullies break you down so that you are constantly physically and mentally drained.

And it doesn't help that I am an emotional person that wears my heart on my sleeve. Something a male dominated industry will never understand!

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